Sunday, January 8, 2017

We need to support Human Rights for all!

A child cries beside the coffin of her father,
who is alleged victim of drug-related killing.
Photo by Daniel Berehulak/NYTimes
I heard it again the other day. 

Someone pointedly asked somebody, who has expressed disgust over extra judicial killings, “Why are you more concerned about the human rights of addicts and pushers than the human rights of their victims?”

If you’re concerned over EJKs and have expressed misgivings about how the government of Mr. Duterte is conducting the War on Drugs, you might have been asked this question or have seen it posted on Facebook and the question could have, for a minute, stopped you on your tracks.

Well, don’t be!

First of all, this question assumes a false dichotomy making us choose between two perfectly valid and congruent propositions: on the one hand, the human rights of the EJK victims, and on the other, the human rights of victims of crimes committed by drug addicts and pushers.

Don’t accept the dichotomy! None exists because these two propositions are not contradictory or mutually exclusive. We should all be concerned about the human rights of all people. So, don’t let that question trap you, just reject it as a fallacy!

Reject also the false assumption that by speaking against EJKs you are less concerned about the human rights of victims. That shouldn’t be necessarily true as I’m sure all of us would like the justice system to work for all crime victims. Who wouldn’t want police officers, prosecutors and judges to do their job and rid our communities of crimes and criminals? We all do and those who would say otherwise are making an unwarranted presumption against us.

“If what you say is true,” you might ask, “why do many people speak of human rights only of EJK victims and remain silent on the human rights of crime victims?”

This question is a close cousin of the first question we discussed above. This second question represents a technique, called ‘red herring,’ which tries to divert attention from the issue at hand by bringing up a totally different matter that may not have real connection to the original issue. The idea is to create diversion and confusion and avoid tackling head on the matter at hand.

This diversionary technique is often used in detective stories to create suspense and excitement on the final outcome of the story. If you’re married or have ever been in a relationship, I’m sure that you’ve employed this technique at least once to divert the discussion from a topic where you are losing to your partner by raising a different issue. Come on, admit it!

If the issue at hand is EJKs, why bring up the matter of the purported rights of the victims of druggies? Justice for crime victims is an important issue, but it shouldn’t deflect attention from the discussions on EJKs. In other words, even if druggies commit heinous crimes, and only some and not all of them have done so, the question of attaining justice for their victims is not a valid justification for the violation of the human rights of the suspects or accused. Offenders are entitled to due process as much as their victims are entitled to justice and compensation for the damages inflicted on them. Each issue occupies a side of the same coin.

Secondly, it would be an unwarranted generalization to speak of “victims of drug addicts and pushers” because not all of them have committed heinous crimes or have victimized others to support, or as a result of, their involvement in illegal drugs.

For sure, some drug addicts and pushers have committed grave atrocities. But there is no data to show that ALL 6,000 plus killed over the last six months on drug-related cases have actually committed heinous crimes.

How many among the EJK victims were also wanted by the police for murder, rape, robbery, or other atrocities? Many of these victims did not have any standing warrants for any heinous crime.

Many people applaud the death of every EJK victim falsely equating each death as the demise of a murderer, rapist, robber or other type of criminals. Not all EJK victims were heinous criminals, and it is absurd to lump them all up under this category.

In fact, the vast majority of EJK victims appeared to be poor. They might have been involved in illegal drugs but they were not heinous criminals. And this War on Drugs so far has been directed at poor communities. Have you heard of EJKs in posh villages where many big drug laboratories had been discovered in the past and many prominent residents had been arrested as drug pushers? None!

But, again, you might ask, “Shouldn’t we be concerned about the victims of crimes committed by druggies even if not all EJK deaths represent the demise of heinous criminals?”

For sure, we should be concerned about victims of heinous crimes whether or not committed by drug addicts or pushers!

We will not and cannot abandon the human rights of victims. This is beyond question!

But here is what we should keep in mind when this subject comes up.

The entire justice system (law enforcement, prosecution, judicial trial and appeals, correction and penalties) is geared towards the protection of the rights of victims, to compensate their loss and redress grievances, and to penalize offenders.

We call this the Rule of Law, which is to say that there is due process in getting criminals off the streets, making them pay for the damages they have caused, and ensuring that convicted criminals serve appropriate jail time and/or pay fines. This can be complicated at times. But all this legal rigmarole is intended to achieve justice for crime victims. Justice for crime victims is non-negotiable if we are to ensure quality of life and peace and progress in our communities.

Justice for victims also arrests impunity. We want all criminals brought to justice so that none of us is ever victimized by them again. This is the ideal we pursue even if it is unrealistic to fully obtain.

But we want to make certain in rounding up criminals who are causing harm in our neighborhoods that we do so with appropriate legal safeguards against would-be despots, who would abuse power in their hands by oppressing the weak and vulnerable. We also cannot allow mob rule and street justice as we want to protect the rights of the poor and the powerless. The manner by which we defend the rights of those in the margins of our communities is the standard by which we measure our flourishing as society. The Rule of Law and due process shield against the depredation of the weak by the powerful among us.

While the Rule of Law seeks justice for crime victims, such “justice” would be hollow if we don’t include under such rules the fair treatment of suspects and accused by requiring proof of their guilt beyond reasonable doubt by a corrupt-free justice system. The basic demand of fairness is that not one party should act as the prosecutor, judge and executioner. The convergence of these three different functions into one party embodies what is so detestable about EJKs.

Unless we carefully adhere to the demand of fairness, the law of the jungle would take over where the most powerful rules without restraint and the rest carries the weight of oppression.

“Our justice system is broken,” you might say, “impunity happens, and criminals get away with murder! Why don’t we just employ the law of the jungle and kill all the druggies?”

If the justice system is broken, the solution is to fix it and not to ditch the Rule of Law and due process. If our front door is broken the correct solution is to fix it and not get rid of the door altogether leaving the occupants more vulnerable and exposed.

The same is true if we applaud the killing of suspected criminals without due process of law. The evil that we think we prevent by killing criminals outside of the Rule of Law is merely replaced by the evil we perpetuate in killing them. Such “justice” is a mirage and will not quench our thirst for peace and safety.

The Rule of Law stops the cycle of violence that threatens the existence of our society. And punctiliously adhering to it despite the temptation to short-cut the process assures us of a more secure, just and peaceful future. Without the Rule of Law, predators win hands down all the time! When you’re tempted to ditch the Rule of Law, think again, as you might need its protection someday.

The rights of victims and the rights of suspects and accused from unjust punishment, including those that we consider the scum of society, are like two legs that help us tread the path of a just and progressive society. When anybody foolishly tries to cut-off one leg in favor of the other, it cripples justice and no one can be really safe anymore.